Postoperative Quality Recovery Scale

Quality of recovery following surgery & anaesthesia is of vital importance to improving patient outcome & clinical practice.

CE Mark

PostopQRS™ is a digital measurement tool, aka an electronic Clinical Outcomes Assessment (eCOA) solution that is CE Marked as a Class 1 Medical Device within the UK and Europe to assess multiple domains of post-operative recovery over time.

PostopQRS™ Data Security

PostopQRS™ is committed to using the latest security methods. We follow stringent data management procedures.

The web application employs a secure encryption using SSL to encrypt all data between the client and the web server hence we always encrypt data sent and received online.

Our website supplier is ISO27001 accredited and has published level 2 of the IG Toolkit. They are also fully accredited G Cloud Cabinet office suppliers.

The web application and database itself are hosted on state of the art Tier 1 UK data centres. We work closely alongside our website provider to ensure these security methods and protocols are implement to the highest standard and that they employ a high level of security. Pls can you also refer to the FAQ tab for additional information.